Who is a Talent Advisor?

If you believe recruitment must go beyond merely filling up jobs, you won’t be satisfied with a regular recruitment company focusing on filling job positions. You need a talent advisor who can provide you with value beyond finding candidates for your organization. Here’s a look at a talent advisor and why you need to rely on a talent advisory service, not a run-of-the-mill recruiting service, for all your recruitment needs.

Who is a talent advisor?

A talent advisor is a recruiting professional who delivers more value than a regular or transactional recruiter. They become deeply connected with the client company and are committed to finding only the best candidates to help advance that company’s business goals. Talent advisors possess deep visibility into the talent pool and use efficient tools and strategies to find the best candidates for critical positions.

What is the difference between a recruiter and a talent advisor?

A talent advisor uses data-driven industry trends to develop a strategic recruitment process that aligns with a company’s current and future requirements.

Unlike recruiters, they are specialists in a particular industry or a type of company.

They have extensive knowledge of how that industry or type of company works, the challenges, and the changing and future needs of that sector. They use that information to develop talent-hiring strategies.

Recruiters search for candidates faster than talent advisors, working with little information. They often present candidates who aren’t the right fit for a particular job. Talent advisors, on the other hand, take the time to understand the fundamental requirements of a company. Only then do they choose and vet candidates ideally suited to that company’s corporate culture. They work with more knowledge and fill positions with the right people in less time.

Talent mapping is something else talent advisors use, and regular recruiters don’t. They keep an eye on potential candidates not looking for a job and keep them on the radar until they are ready to move to a different company.

Why you need talent advisory services

Traditional recruiters who lack deep knowledge and understanding of the talent pool could fail to use the proper strategies to match the perfect candidates with your company. They often take shortcuts or the wrong approach to matching company and candidate, leading to disgruntlement at the workplace and high attrition. On the other hand, a talent advisor will use data-driven strategies to ensure that the candidate, role, and company are well-suited for each other.

A talent advisor can provide added value and find you the best candidates. They can provide guidance, expertise, and advice on the latest talent acquisition practices.

If you want to transform your hiring practices or need help attracting the best talent, you are in the right place. Staffing Management Group is a workforce solutions company that can help you source the most suitable candidates for any job.